Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Car Show adventures & the C  U  T  E  S  T car ever ♥

A few weekends back there was a HUGE car show in town. Ryan and I totally had to go because we could easily spend hours looking at beautiful classic cars. And that is just what we did!

There were 4,000 cars there! We spent hours walking and looking at them all, but there was still no way that we were able to see each and everyone. But wow, did we see some beauties ♥

Vintage Rolls Royce

And then I saw it... I saw what just might be, the cutest car ever made!!

I present to you... The BMW Isetta!

BMW Isetta <3

BMW Isetta

And to give you an idea of just how tiny this car is... Here's a picture I found online of Cary Grant in one!! How cool is that??


Amy said...

I want the Isetta. Does it come with a Cary Grant?

Leigh said...

ooh, my guy woulda loved this!! we have them here all the time... i don't know why we don't go to them! :) oh, and THANK YOU so much for the award! i posted about it today!


Tiffany Kelley said...

Nice pics. That Isetta is freakin' adorable! I want one :P

Morgan said...

Love the last car. Amazing!

Kelly Leigh said...

I want one! And the pink one right above it!

Nancy said...

These are some awesome pictures and I think everyone should have one of those cars, so cool! ;)

Mallory Makes Things said...

Oh my goodness.
I want one!!

cheeky+sweet said...

Love this post!! Boyfriend and I are big into VW's (along with an everlasting love for vintage cars). PS I'm loving your wardrobe posts as well :)

I'm not posting on Fredericka Rose now but check out my new blog @ cheekyandsweet.blogspot.com

usedcarsforsale said...

Excellent pieces. Keep posting such kind of photos on your blog.

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