Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What can you get for $10 or under?

Well, if you check out Urban Outfitters sale... You can get all sorts of wonderful things! I already made my order, cause things are going fast. In fact, one thing I wanted was already OOS by the time I went to check out :(

They've got everything from sunglasses, to tops, to a hedgehog nail brush!

Oh, and if you order, don't forget to use Ebates! And there's a 10% off code (UOUOUO) going around so add that on there too!

Now I'm waiting, rather impatiently for my order... Once it comes I promise lots of pictures!


Feisjanter said...

mmm, sale! my favourite word in the entire world!

I'm happy I discovered your blog! :)

Kelly Leigh said...

I haven't heard of ebates thank you for introducing me! I think it is similar to something we use in england called quidco though. Can't wait to see your goodies!

Anonymous said...

You should definitely switch to raw!!!!! I'm not changing it for nothing!!!!!!!! :)

Mandy Ferrugia said...

um yeah, that is the cutest ever!! I want one! :]

Jamie said...

I love your blog!!! I just came across it and already added it to my reader! So much fun going on here! Love it!

meig said...

Love it! I was just browsing the $5sale at Urban.. um, I'll take one of everything please! Can't beat a bargan and a discount code!!

j3nhow said...

thats cute! just randomly found ur blog and u have a nice blog with beautiful pics!

xoxo jenna

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